Almond-F experimentation
Lasa (Bozen)

The ALMOND-F product was developed in a concerted manner by the working group made up of CNR-IRPI and SIAP+MICROS, with the mutual interest of devising an innovative solution to be adopted for monitoring and alerting for Debris-Flow phenomena . A first instance of the system was installed in the past within the drainage basin of the Gadria torrent (Lasa, Bolzano), as well as another instance in correspondence with the Marderello torrent (Novalesa, Turin).
With particular reference to the Gadria stream, during the summers of 2013, 2014 and 2015 there were
three debris flows of significant dimensions and, thanks to the analysis of the aforementioned events, it was possible to calibrate the parameters of an innovative alarm algorithm which proved capable of detecting the arrival of the flows tens of seconds before the passage of the casting.
In this first historical phase of the ALMOND-F project, an algorithm was also developed capable of signaling the all-clear, at the end of the event. Furthermore, it was possible to detect, already in this early stage of the project, an ability to reduce the emanation of false alarms, thanks to the ability of the instrument to filter the different background noises (other seismic phenomena, floods of the watercourse, etc.), compared to the seismic micro-vibrations of which, on the other hand, it is the purpose of ALMOND-F to carry out the detection.