In support of those who defend climate and environmental resources.
SIAP+MICROS employs specialized personnel, able to ensure a scientific and operational approach aimed at planning and developing projects. More than 60 employees follow the design, production, marketing and after-sales services of SIAP+MICROS, in Italy and abroad. The Company’s headquarters are in San Fior (TV). There are two production plants: in San Fior and in Bologna. Both offices are organized into production departments (on different products) and both offices are operational bases for the management of installation and maintenance activities on the networks.
Our commitment to deliver always to our customer a high quality product
Since 1925 attentive to customer needs to innovate products and offer versatile, flexible and easy-to-use solutions. We work to be able to continue to enjoy the trust of customers by providing quality solutions. For SIAP+MICROS, quality is measured through reliability, customisation, data availability and response speed.
The integrated system: Quality and Environment
The company is certified in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard with the n. 9115.MIC7 and UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 with the nr. 9191.SPMC, UNI EN ISO 45001:2018 with no. 0349.2021 and UNI EN ISO 27001:2013 with no. 0338.2021 for the following types of products-processes-services: “Design, production, assembly, testing, calibration and installation of systems and sensors for weather, environmental and industrial controls” SIAP+MICROS products and processes also comply with the main international standards: WMO, UNI, CEI, ISO, EPA.
The Company enjoys SOA Category OG12 certification Classification III BIS (remote sensing systems for environmental monitoring) and OS19 Classification III BIS (telecommunication systems and data transmission networks) and is able to produce on request, for any equipment produced or service carried out, a “Certificate of Conformity” based on verifiable procedures and records.

IT Law 231 and Code of Ethics
This choice aims, in particular, at:
• guarantee integrity, strengthening the internal control system;
• improve the effectiveness and transparency in the management of company activities and ensure compliance with the obligations set out in the Decree;
• raise awareness of the principles of transparency and correctness of all subjects who collaborate, in various capacities, with Siap+Micros S.p.A.
• General Section of the Organisation, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01
• Special Section of the Organisation, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01
• Code of Ethics [Download PDF]
Regulation of the Supervisory Body.
Disciplinary and Sanctioning System.
• by e-mail:
• by ordinary mail: approx. Supervisory Body SIAP+MICROS S.p.A. - Via Aldo Moro, 2 – 31022 Preganziol (TV)
The Company prohibits any form of retaliation, discrimination or penalization against those who report to the SB in good faith. Siap+Micros S.p.A. reserves the right to take action against anyone who makes false reports in bad faith.