SIAP+MICROS participates in the Conference “Climate risk in North-Eastern Italy and adaptation initiatives in urban and agricultural areas”
March, 21st 2023
The growth path of a company necessarily passes from the comparison with the academic world and with the competent authorities for the sector of interest. In this sense, SIAP+MICROS S.p.A. sponsors and actively participates in the event “Climate risk in North-Eastern Italy and adaptation initiatives in urban and agricultural areas” which will be held in the splendid setting of the Auditorium of the Botanical Garden of the University of Padua on 22 March 2023 from 9 o’clock.
The conference, organized by the Italian Hydrotechnical Association, will be focused on the analysis of urban and agricultural risks, intended as decisive factors in the complex study of climate risk in North-Eastern Italy.
Speakers of the highest caliber and experience will follow one another who will delve into topics of certain interest, also considering the period of profound water crisis that characterizes the reference territory and, more broadly, the national scale, also and above all as regards the agricultural sector.
The presentations that will follow will promptly analyze the communications relating to the IPCC 2022 Climate Change report, will highlight the governance tools available and the strategies developed. Heavy rains will then be the central theme addressed both from the point of view of the amount of information available, thanks to the modernization of monitoring systems, and in relation to the urban redesign necessary for the purposes of adaptation to climate change. SIAP+MICROS, given the relevance of the congress topics to its history and activities, actively supports the Italian Hydrotechnical Association in carrying out the Study Day, hoping that the corporate experience and the constantly evolving technologies implemented by the company can assist decision makers in the future, guaranteeing solid support in the management of complex situations concerning the water resource and the risks related to climate change.

Preview photo credits: Padua Botanical Garden