Siap+Micros strengthens its presence in “sea”-themed monitoring projects
The participation of Siap+Micros in activities related to marine and meteo-marine monitoring is enriched by a first international experience.
In fact, the new unit that was prepared within the i-WaveNET project fits into the Italy-Malta Cooperation Projects framework: ISPRA (Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research), in fact, has provided for the installation of a wave buoy intended for monitoring the height and direction of the waves.
The design application also provides for the use of the buoy to favor the design of port works with reliable data, to evaluate the effect of coastal erosion with greater precision, to facilitate Civil Protection assessments, as well as, last but not least, for tracing any hydrocarbons dispersed at sea in the area of interest.
The data collected by the installation will also be made available through the portal.
This new installation is fully part of the experiences characterizing the company, the only one in Italy that can boast the management of networks of fundamental national interest.
In particular, Siap+Micros manages the National Ondametric Networks (RON) and National Mareographic Networks (RMN) for ISPRA, as well as the Network dedicated to the Venice Lagoon and the specific one for Tsunami Warnings.
The remarkable picture, of which the company is extremely proud, is completed by the management of two wave buoys and two coastal marine current meters associated with beacons that S+M manages in Tuscany.
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