Adaptation and improvements to the hydro-snow-meteoclimatic network
Friuli Venezia Giulia
October, 2022
In 2020, the Regional Civil Protection launched a tender aimed at technological adaptation and overcoming the existing lock-in constraints on the hydro-snow-meteoclimatic monitoring network for Civil Protection purposes. The contract includes the maintenance service for 4 years, possibly extendable for another 2 years. With the award of this contract to SIAP+MICROS, the Friuli Region has confirmed the value of the technological solutions already offered by the Company to other institutional customers.
The solution proposed by SIAP+MICROS for overcoming the technological lock-in is tested and reliable. It has been appreciated in many Administrations and has found strong recognition at a technical level also in Friuli Venezia Giulia for the following reasons:
• High quality of the UHF radio communication infrastructure upgrading project based on high-performance equipment and robust technical choices, capable of guaranteeing high levels of redundancy of the radio sections;
• Proven and tested solutions for overcoming existing technological lock-in constraints. In particular, the use of the standard Modbus protocol on all technological layers (sensors, data loggers and CED) is a guarantee of a total and definitive opening of the system to possible integrations. These are proven and reliable solutions that have already been appreciated by other important customers such as the Regional Hydrological and Geological Service of Tuscany, ARPA Veneto, the Civil Protection of Campania, the Interregional Agency of the river Po, the Higher Institute for the Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), the Tide Center of the Municipality of Venice and numerous reclamation consortia.
The new monitoring network is characterized by a very high level of redundancies increasing resilience and allowing constant, precise and punctual monitoring of all data collected even during extreme events.
This further confirmation places Siap+Micros at the top in Italy in the design, production and implementation of networks for monitoring environmental parameters in real time characterized by extremely high performance in terms of operation, safety, transparency, openness and standardisation.