Supply and installation of hydrological stations
February, 2014

On 29 November 2013, one of the goals and objectives that the entire Siap+Micros team had set for that year was achieved. On that important day, the contract was signed with the “Ministry of Water and Energy (MoWE)” of the “Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia” for the “Supply and installation of hardware and software instrumentation for the hydrological network for the acquisition and processing data”. Having acquired such an important order for an Italian company like Siap+Micros is a source of great pride and, at the same time, a strong sense of responsibility. Our “mission” will be to bring the value and quality of “Made in Italy” exports back to the levels of the past.
This ambitious project financed by the World Bank is undoubtedly the result of trust in a country that is now rapidly developing. This signal given by investors is supported by the continuous climate change, which affects all countries in the world, and by the awareness of having to safeguard the territory, and the population, through careful monitoring. In fact, this pilot project will then be replicated in other realities of the African territory. So Ethiopia is not by chance, since Addis Ababa is not only the national capital but also the city where the headquarters of the AU (African Union) is located, which, with the exception of Morocco, includes all African states.
The contract stipulated by Siap+Micros, as parent company, is divided into various works and services with a total duration of five years: in fact, in addition to the supply and installation, a maintenance service will be guaranteed for the entire contractual period instrumentation.
The numbers of this project: 7 climatological and 43 water-pluvium stations, both in telemetry, n. 20 water tables, n. 22 rain gauges, n. 4 traditional thermometers, n. 24 manual sediment samplers, n. 4 current meters and n. 7 BOC (Bank Operated Cableways). Among these, for 19 hydrometric stations considered strategic, in addition to the normal GPRS transmission, there is also the redundancy of the data in the Central via satellite technology.
This network will have the aim of allowing the rational planning and management of all the water resources of the Tana and Beles basins. A fundamental aspect is, therefore, an “information system of rivers and basins” that covers all detectable data concerning water as a whole, in terms of quality, availability, current and future demand for water resources. Therefore, the relevance and necessity that this project assumes, in its entirety, for the future development of the Ethiopian territory is clear.