Communication Systems


Communication System

The e015 SM910 accessory for DA series dataloggers is an M2M terminal powered at a nominal voltage of 12VDC. It is enclosed within the metal case of the data logger which guarantees considerable immunity to both radiated and induced disturbances.
The terminal has the integrated TCP/IP STACK allowing the TCP connection autonomously through the public telephone network.
The terminal has two LEDs for signaling the operating status.
It is available in the 4G M1/NB1 categories and category 1 with fallback to 3G and 2G which guarantees greater coverage.
It can be used as a terminal for 4G data connection or for sending SMS messages.


Radio SATEL Easy+

Communication System

SATEL-EASy+ is a new radio modem family with modern technology. The radio is equipped with a functional LCD display, has a large memory available and makes various interfaces available from standard serial to USB. In addition, it disposes of several ways to configure the radios and monitor the quality of the radio network.


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